• Form 3 History


          (a) Explain the significance of the 1763 Treaty of Paris.                            

          (b) Explain two factors other than the Sugar Act (1764) or the Stamp Act (1765) that might have caused the North American English colonies to rebel against England.

          (c)Rewrite the following quotation from The American Declaration of Independence filling in the blank spaces. “We hold these _________ to be ________________ that all men are created ________, that they are endowed by their ___________with certain inalienable _________, that among these are ______, _________and the pursuit of ________________________



          1. Fully explain why the mulattoes were dissatisfied with how they were treated
          2. Suggest possible reasons why The MulattoRevolt of 1790 was a failure.              
          3. Why did Toussaint not take part in the voodoo ceremonies?                                
          4. Write a passage of at least 50 words explaining why Napoleon wanted to get rid of Toussaint.                                                                              
          5. How did the Haitian revolution affect conditions in Haiti today?   





          1. Which important case resulted in the famous Lord Mansfield’s Judgement?     
          2. Explain what changes took place in England during the Industrial Revolution. 
          3. Discuss the reasons why the West Indies market became unimportant to British businessmen during the Industrial Revolution.                                           
          4. Whose artwork depicts a kneeling slave?                                                           



          1. Briefly describe the James Somersett Case.                                                                   
          2. What did Lord Mansfield’s 1772 decision mean to slaves on their way to England?
          3. (i). Why did the British government establish the Sierra Leone settlement?                       

          (ii).How did the government get the land to establish the settlement?                               

          1. Describe how the British government went about convincing the ex-slaves to return to Africa.
          2. What were some of the problems that the new settlers faced?                




          1. Why did men and women in 18th century Britain leave the farms and moved to cities such as London, Plymouth and Bristol?                                                                                    
          2. Explain how the Industrial Revolution effected the British West Indies..
          3. Why were British ship owners eventually willing to support emancipation?         
          4. Name three countries which  produced cheaper slave grown sugar that competed with the British West Indian sugar.                                                                                                           
          5. What did the French use to make sugar that competed with West Indian sugar?     
          6. Describe how money from the West Indies boosted the Industrial Revolution.      






          a)List three (3) factors other than the Boston tea party, the Stamp Act and the Sugar Act that might have caused the North American English colonies to rebel against England.                              (6 marks)                                         

          b)What three European nations helped the American colonies against Britain?                 



          1. What was the rallying cry of the American Revolution?                                     
          2. Describe what happened at the Boston Tea Party.                    
          3. Explain:


          1. the 1764 Sugar Act                                                                 
          2. the 1765 Stamp Act                                                                
          1. What became of the loyalists after the Revolution?        
          2. Name the leaders of the American delegation that signed the peace treaty with Britain in 1783.            
          3. Explain what happened when the First Continental Congress sent their petition to King George




          a)Explain why the mulattoes in St. Domingue revolted in 1790.                   

          1. How did the French Jacobins attempt to spread the Revolution in the Caribbean?        

          c)Write at least five facts about Toussaint L’Ouverture before he joined the revolution. 





          1. What explanation did Britain give for being involved in the Revolution?                      
          2. Suggest at least two reasons why voodoo ceremonies were used to plan and spread word of the revolution                                                                                                                         
          3. Who led the mulattoes in their revolt in 1790 and what became of him afterward?      
          4. In what year were the rights of the mulattoes restricted?                                              
          5. Describe how the French were able to capture Toussaint L’Ouverture




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      • St. Vincent Grammar School
      • (784) 456-1337
      • P.O. Box 369 Kingstown St. Vincent and the Grenadines Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
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      • @svggrammarschool
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